Maintenance Request



All Repairs Must be in writing and submitted through tenant portal!

Making a maintenance request online is best practice to ensure your request is received.

How often should I change AC Filters?

Once a month! Locate where filters are in your property or call the office line to help.

Do I have to water and care for the lawn?

Yes, failure to do so could cause tenant to incur charges. Water limited to city restrictions.

Is an AC outage an emergency repair?

Texas property code, nor the lease specify ac outage as an emergency, however we take these requests very seriously. Lease deems 7 days as a reasonable amount of time for a Landlord to make any repairs. Our goal is to always beat this mark. Please be patient we will get to you as quickly as possible!

Can I make an after hours maintenance request?

Yes, portal is open 24/ 7 to make maintenance request

Can I be charged for maintenance?

If a repair is deemed to be caused by tenant negligence, then yes you can and will be charged for repair costs. Any normal wear and tear damage will be charged to owner.