What makes SureVestor different from other insurance carriers? That’s easy.

  1. We’re on a mission to help our fellow Property Managers grow their business and protect their interest.

  2. We offer a range of products that no other insurance provider is willing to cover. Want proof

SureVestor is the only insurance broker that provides Landlord Protection Insurance. If your landlords have given up on the idea of being insured for loss of rent, malicious tenant damage and eviction costs, you can tell them that you get them guaranteed coverage if they work with you.

Landlord Protection is just one of the innovative products that we offer at


 Hey, no one ever thinks they need insurance—until the day they do. So, give me a call at 800-975-0562 and I’ll show you how SureVestor can help your business stand out.

I’m here to help,

Mike Huber

Director of Sales